The Seiko Youth Challenge - Year III What Is The Seiko Youth Challenge? The Seiko Youth Challenge is a nationwide competition in which teams of two to four students in grades 9-12, guided by a faculty advisor, are asked to identify, investigate, analyze and propose a solution for a specific environmental problem facing their own community. What's In It For My Students And My School? The Seiko Youth Challenge allows students to explore the complexities of practical environmental problem-solving and gives them a hands-on opportunity to participate in changing the world for the better. Awaiting the winners of the competition are prizes, national recognition and up to $25,000 in college scholarships to be divided among winning team members and up to a $5,000 grant for their school. When Will The Competition Take Place? Registrations for The Seiko Youth Challenge - Year III are now being accepted. Briefing materials, including detailed rules and regulations, will be mailed to all registrants by September, 1992. The deadline for written submission will be the end of February, 1993, with semifinalist videotape submissions due mid-April, 1993. Winners will be announced in May, 1993. How Will The Winners Be Selected? This year, more than one submission from a single school is allowed and encouraged in order that every student interested in accepting The Seiko Youth Challenge may participate. Entrants must prepare a written presentation of up to ten pages, plus appropriate charts, exhibits and photos. High school educators will serve as judges to review all submissions and select the best 25 teams as semifinalists (five form each of five U.S. regions) based on the following criteria: imagination and originality of approach; depth of research; methodology; practicality of implementation; and magnitude of environmental impact. These 25 semifinalists will then be required to create a video-taped presentation of their projects up to 20 minutes in length. Based on both the videotapes and the written submissions, one team from each region will be selected as regional winner. These five regional winners will be invited to the national awards ceremony in New York City where the national winner of The Seiko Youth Challenge will be selected by a panel of independent, nationally known judges. How Does My School Accept The Seiko Youth Challenge? Call 1-800-323-1550 and ask for an entry card. NOTE: If an overwhelming number of schools express interest in participating in the Year III program, Seiko may have to limit acceptance of the later registrations on a first-come, first-served basis. So call now and register your school before July 31, 1992. Briefing materials will be sent to you by September 1992. This is a nationwide high school competition endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association. The National Science Supervisors Association has named The Seiko Youth Challenge as the 1992 recipient of its annual Presidential Award "for exemplary service to science education and the environmental education community." The presentation was made at the National Science Teachers Association Convention in Boston on March 26, 1992